CAP Token Benefits

Owning and staking CAP (ticker: CAP) comes with several advantages.

No Lockup Periods

You're free to withdraw CAP from the staking pool at any time.

No Inflation

Tired of tokens that endlessly inflate their supply and inevitably sell off at the expense of holders? CAP is a fixed supply token. There are only 100,000 in circulation.

No Complexity

It's simple. There's one token. No smokescreens. No recursive token shenanigans. No ponzinomics.

No Presales

CAP's entire initial supply was offered to the public on Uniswap.


Due to the low supply and exclusive holder base, by owning CAP, you're part of a tight-knit community that is bound by a culture of holding for the long-run, and aligned, supportive, and optimistic about the future of the protocol.

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